Want to Become a Better Designer? Become a Better Writer.
If you can use words to accurately describe a brand and its services, then you have an advantage over how you visually communicate it.
If you can use words to accurately describe a brand and its services, then you have an advantage over how you visually communicate it.
Grow Your Confidence & Creativity By Exercising It I came across this quote from Maya Angelou some time ago. It was one of those quotes that made me stop. In fact, the first time I read it, I was standing in a bookstore flipping through the pages of a book. When my eyes fell on…
Understanding Boredom The best perspective I’ve heard describes boredom as a call for engagement / stimulation. Your mind is signaling it wants to be challenged, to be given better options, to be doing something more meaningful. It’s asking for a change. If the boredom you experience is felt in the daily work, routines and becomes…
© James Rozak 2023